Jond mentioned the Aldo preamp from Deja Vu Audio (in Tyson's Corner Virginia). These are custom built to fit whatever particular need you have. Mine is built with remotely controlled volume and two Daven pots for balance control. It also is fully transformer coupled (has output transformers) so it can only be used with suitable amplifiers (I use an Aldo-built amp with compatible input transformers, it will also work with my Audio Note Kageki amplifiers). This is quite a good sounding preamp. I own two other linestage/preamps--an Emotive Audio Epifania tube linestage and a solid state Levinson No. 32 preamp.
I have heard, and also like, Audio Note preamps, but, the lack of remote control for volume is a deal killer for me. The same goes with the terrific sounding Kondo linestages.
Although I have less experience with other linestages and preamps than those mentioned above, I have heard decent systems that included the Veloce battery-powered tube linestage, and Atmasphere linestages.
In the solid state realm, the only linestage that sounded truly great to me was the Lyra Connoisseur (I heard the linestage and phono preamp together).