question about Thiel CS 2

A friend has offered me a pair of Thiel CS 2 speakers with a Audionics BK-ST 140 pre-amp, Rotel RC-1070 tuner, and NAD 5000 CD-player for about $1,000. I have a small NAD CD player and a pair of Focal bookshelf speakers, so this would be a big upgrade for me. I love music but have not gotten anything fancy in regards to audio equipment and don't know anything about it. I have two questions:

1. Are Thiel CS 2's weak in regards to bass? Because they seemed a little tinny to me without a lot of bass. Could just be my friend's set-up.

2. The only space in my apartment that might work is a 15' by 7' room. I wouldn't easily be able to put the speakers on the wide side because of door placement. I know this would not be an ideal set-up. The speakers would be close together and close to the walls. My question is, given my alternative, would having this system in a non-ideal set-up be a decent option compared to the alternative (which would be NOT having the system)?

Thank you!
As far as I remember, the CS-2s I listened to aeons ago had bass; so it's either a matter of speaker placement or the amp can't drive them, probably the latter as the sound is tinny. (Is your amp powerful enough to drive them?)
Anyway, I liked what I heard then: realistic, nice tonal balance, good soundstage (i.e. good high-frequency extension).  I listened to them nearfield & far, and both were ok, but the room was much bigger than yours & the speakers were a good distance apart from one another & from their back wall.
Maybe stick with what you have?

A Thiel loudspeaker can be tricky to dial into a room properly. If your friend will allow try it before purchase, place the CS2 into your apt room for an evaluation. The vintage Thiel speakers can be placed closer together than models made around 2000 and newer. If you decide to purchase please join us over on the Thiel Owners thread which offers a plethora of valuable information on this Legendary brand.

Happy Listening!
I would not call the Thiel CS2s "tinny" from my listening to them, they put out a good amount of bass until cutting off at 40 Hz; however, overall Thiels of that vintage were voiced a little more towards the highs than to give a warm sound (the opposite of the Vandersteens of that era).  I almost bought them (this was back in 1986 or so) till I heard the Thiel 3.5s, which had more bass and a more open soundstage in comparison.  Jafant's advice is good, as your room is potentially a tricky one.  Ideally you want to sit back a bit from Thiel speakers for them to sound their most coherent, so having them on the short wall with room to bring them out into the room a little would be a good thing, but I'm not sure having them close to the sidewalls will let you hear them at their best (though sidewall room treatments, even plants, might help).  Good luck--I think they are still fine speakers, a solid design.