You will like the HD6XX.They may not wow you at first but they are excellent with no major issues that so many other headphones have.
I am always interested to hear the perspective of headphones from someone into speakers.
I started with headphones in college and moved to speakers for about 15 years. I tried to go back to headphones after owning a good speaker system... I almost pulled it off but in the end I miss the impact/slam of the speakers. Most people miss the sound-stage.
I had a good two year stretch where I just used headphones (by choice) 90% of the time but now I am back to speakers most of the time and only use headphones if the kiddo is sitting with me (she often does) in my audio room.
Headphones will show you what is wrong with your speaker system and your speaker system will show you what you are missing with the headphones.
You will like the HD6XX.They may not wow you at first but they are excellent with no major issues that so many other headphones have.
I am always interested to hear the perspective of headphones from someone into speakers.
I started with headphones in college and moved to speakers for about 15 years. I tried to go back to headphones after owning a good speaker system... I almost pulled it off but in the end I miss the impact/slam of the speakers. Most people miss the sound-stage.
I had a good two year stretch where I just used headphones (by choice) 90% of the time but now I am back to speakers most of the time and only use headphones if the kiddo is sitting with me (she often does) in my audio room.
Headphones will show you what is wrong with your speaker system and your speaker system will show you what you are missing with the headphones.