Paint crack Wilson Sophia 2


I bought a pair of Sophia 2 second hand one year ago. They are now 3 years old. Yesterday a line crack suddenly appeared in the line between the bottom section of the speaker and the mids / top section. The crack follows the exact line between the two sections. It seems to me that the speaker has been put together by two parts, and painted afterwards. And due to vibrations of some sort, the paint has cracked up. You have to take a close look to see it, but the second hand value has detoriated. Any similar experiences out there?

I presume I have to repaint them at a custom shop. I have some friends who are one of the best in Europe, so we will be fine. But, annoying though. And the question remains, why did it happen?

Cheeers, ToffenG
A friend of mine had that very issue on his Sophias. The speakers were still under warranty though, and he got a brand new pair of Sophias, with no question asked. The warranty on Wilson speakers is 5 years, so check out if your pair is still under warranty.
Have they been kept in a constant temperature environment?
Turning back the heat in your weekend cabin (to save a few Euro when you are not there) would seem a likely cause.
I have a feeling it wont affect the sound but that's kinda discouraging to see those little cracks in the beautiful body of the Sophia IIs.