What define "musicality" ? And what constitute "musicality" in audio ?

I think that "musicality" is the most important factor and attribute in living audio experience... The experience of "musicality" i think, cannot be reduced to subjective factors only, nor objective one...It is more easy to describe what it is not, than to describe what it is, perhaps like the experience of God in theology...But for sure if you get it, it seems the most important resultant factor of your audio grid system,you feel it and like it the most...After 7 years i feel it more than ever...The urge to upgrade recess in the background because when you feel "musicality" already at a certain level, you dont believe that it is possible to push that level really higher at an affordable cost... "Musicality" for me, in my words, correlate with realistic musical timbre and voice, fluidity,no harshness at all, no fatigue, and last but not least, listening music and forgetting the sound...

This is my personal my experience, i am curious to read others about that,about their "way" and "means" to live that experience...Thanks to all...
mahgister -

Gotcha...okay. The critical requirement. What is absolutely essential for the "awe musical experience" is the music/composition itself. Case in point, driving home at night listening to music on the car radio. Stravinsky’s "Symphony of Psalms" was played. First I'd ever heard it.  I sat in the car in the driveway until it was finished. A magical moment that had nothing to do with sonics or gear quality. Went out the next day and bought that recording (vinyl - this is back before CDs).

So +1 to Oregonpapa’s car radio comment.
Ghosthouse and Oregonpapa your point is very good and I enjoy myself the same revelation about " music" with my radio car... The greatest pianists I ever listen to are badly reproduced on cd for example... Then I concur with you 2...

But enjoying "music" is not exactly the same thing than audio "musicality", this is not synonymus though related...I dreamed 7 years ago to buy some audiophile system and I read plenty about that to experience a relatively good level of "musicality" with an audio system grid... I am curious about how others embark this road and succeed...Enjoying music is a thing, enjoying audio "musicality" in reproduction another...I am curious of the experience of others...
Yes you are right for sure Shubert...

But how to touch this in audio? How do you obtain that for yourself? When do you live this experience the first times or the last times and why? I am interested by YOUR experience, products, tweaks, experiments, to live that "musicality" in your audio room and system... And others like me may benefit from your insight and experience, or enjoy your remarks...Thanks to you...
mahgister - 

To me, the "awe musical experience" vs "musicality" (as might be experienced during playback of recorded music) are two separate things.  "Awe" and "musicality" might overlap but I can easily imagine hearing a nicely musical audio system (approaching the quality of live sound, even) without the awe-factor because it was lacking in the moment's personal response to that particular music selection...and this lack not reflecting in any negative way on the gear itself!