What define "musicality" ? And what constitute "musicality" in audio ?

I think that "musicality" is the most important factor and attribute in living audio experience... The experience of "musicality" i think, cannot be reduced to subjective factors only, nor objective one...It is more easy to describe what it is not, than to describe what it is, perhaps like the experience of God in theology...But for sure if you get it, it seems the most important resultant factor of your audio grid system,you feel it and like it the most...After 7 years i feel it more than ever...The urge to upgrade recess in the background because when you feel "musicality" already at a certain level, you dont believe that it is possible to push that level really higher at an affordable cost... "Musicality" for me, in my words, correlate with realistic musical timbre and voice, fluidity,no harshness at all, no fatigue, and last but not least, listening music and forgetting the sound...

This is my personal my experience, i am curious to read others about that,about their "way" and "means" to live that experience...Thanks to all...
I will defend old people no matter what kind of nonsense they might say from time to time.
Young are to become old unless die before that time. First learn to shut up and listen then argue, maybe.
On the subject of this thread. I heard many instruments live that did not sound musical to me. Same with speakers. Musical means as natural as it should be.
We inherited a Telefunken table radio from my husband's grandfather.Gorgeous,euphonic,and "musical" sound .Our main system is of course truer to real live music.Totally different but "musical" .They both stir within each of us a profound emotional connection with the music.

sensitivity to, a talent for, or knowledge of music.

musical 'reality'.

of course, with reference to the output of an audio system.

i believe descriptors are valid, and even needed to convey, in truth or as close to the truth as is subjectively possible how much or how little of various facets of the audio 'envelope' are present or vacant, and how they arrived or were removed.

the confusion arrives during quantification of this or that aspect.

how much bass report was produced when the cannons explode in the 1812 Overture.

or just how sweet, warm, bright, and or resolving was any portion of the reproduction?

to these ends, I feel its common to interject presumably well known or commonly acquainted items from areas far fetched or vastly different from their audio spectrum counterparts, purely for familiarization with well traveled, better known avenues.

sound stage depth was cavernous is an easier pill to swallow than would be "the sound stage depth was as cavernous as those which exist in the Caves of Carlsbad, CA, or those in the Ural Mountains of russia.

essentially quantifications of unknown but recognized values, require imagination and articulation sufficient enough, so the proposal being transmitted, listed, or accounted for, by the describer framing the various qualities being noted are adequately or reasonably comprehended at some later date by whomever.   has the desire to review it.

the issues I am unable to abide long or at all, are references from completely unknown works, or with entirely unfamiliar settings or venues.   an author chooses to use as his or her adjectives and adverbs. as well listing uncommon, presumeably urbane, or eclectic musical works which could only be auditioned by the narrowest of means.

EX: the trumpets resoundding echo was identical to what I heard on the Piazza del Soloboundifuesta by the St. Phillip Basilica in upper Gaston France during festival in 1975..


now I gotta get some fancy sneakers, a pair of cammeras, and some knee high black socks, and schedule some long distance globetrotting so i can maybe be in the loop??


EX: I played the Duetsche Grammarphone 218Gram pressing of the 1966 spanky and our gangs choral recital of the Franciscan monks Omage to St. Ammaretto... in D minor as conducted by Sir Walter Humperdink ... etc., etc. which there are only 200 known Lps on the planet at last count.

can't even find a copy on itunes!

if it ain't available on itunes, well, then its just not musicality.

I've no issues with anyone dusting off seldom employed words from the language, culture, or social standards du jour. frankly, none.

neither will I take to task to often those whose memories slip back to some 'feel good' rumminations now and then. but when all of the penned accounts are extreme, desperately remote vehicles used expressively, hell man, buy an American car for Pete's sake.

I mean, that is if you want me to join in on your little journey, and oh, yeah, maybe buy the thing or concept you're selling.

lets be real and eliminate adding these inoccuous grains of fascination so very few have or will ever have had the occasion to enjoy.

... and exactly how valid are 'aural' memories from years ago? decades ago?

I've been to a lot of places around the globe. main stream types and no where near the stream sorts to boot. I've even wound up in the streams a time or two though time has taken the edge off of most of those ventures, adventures, and fascinations.
I'm not sure If I can recall what I had for dinner yesterday!

regardless the degree of articulation, eloquence or communicative level being related, the more commonly known items, places, things, and experiences are always going to be the ones the overwhelming majority of people will be able to satisfactorily digest when reading or re-reading an article.

when you elevate the discourse or involve a wealth of eccentricities you will diminish the number of people capable of relating to it.

knowing what to say or how to say it is not nearly as important as knowing who you are saying it to..