Lexicon BD-30 universal player

I saw an interesting review of the new Lexicon BD-30 universal player and the reviewer mentioned that he bought the oppo se to compare the lexicon to. His verdict is that the lexicon was better built, better picture and much quieter in operation. The msrp is $3500. Has anyone else had the opportunity to compare these? I understand a price difference between the two is significant but was just wondering if it would be worth that difference?
Look forward to opinions and ideas. Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
My comments on a comparison of the 83, 83SE and the Lex will appear in the March issue of Stereophile.

I read somewhere that the Lex is just an Oppo put into a Lexicon chassis. This source even claimed that Lexicon didn't even remove the Oppo case work before stuffing it into the nicer Lexicon chassis.
According to Audioholics, the Lexicon is literally a BD-83 dropped into a new case, chassis and all.
Hey Kal,

It would be great to include the NuForce modded version as well - may be the best of the bunch!
I read that too. The following link shows the inside with pictures of the BD-30 and the Oppo and they are identical. This is sick if it is true.
