I read the review and that is really unbelievable. If this is true it is a big black eye for Lexicon and I think not good for the high end HT industry. I know Ayre and Theta are also building off of the Oppo BD-83. Ayre has done this with its CD players but they completely gut just about everything except the transport. I own Ayre equipment and their performance is stellar. I suspect we will not see the same from Ayre and Theta.
I read the review and that is really unbelievable. If this is true it is a big black eye for Lexicon and I think not good for the high end HT industry. I know Ayre and Theta are also building off of the Oppo BD-83. Ayre has done this with its CD players but they completely gut just about everything except the transport. I own Ayre equipment and their performance is stellar. I suspect we will not see the same from Ayre and Theta.