Lexicon BD-30 universal player

I saw an interesting review of the new Lexicon BD-30 universal player and the reviewer mentioned that he bought the oppo se to compare the lexicon to. His verdict is that the lexicon was better built, better picture and much quieter in operation. The msrp is $3500. Has anyone else had the opportunity to compare these? I understand a price difference between the two is significant but was just wondering if it would be worth that difference?
Look forward to opinions and ideas. Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
Spoke with friends in the hi-fi industry who confirmed that the story is true. Turns out several companies use the Oppo transport (Ayre, Theta and Primare are a few), but significantly modify the power supplies, chipsets, etc. But, unfortunately, many more are probably pulling similar stunts to Lexicon. Simple circuits, cheap parts and huge markups.
I am really glad I started this thread. I would hate to think that myself or others would have been duped by lexicon! The issue for me now is what would happen if reviewers started pulling the thread a little harder (more in-depth mechanically) what also would unravel? I would find it hard to believe that lexicon would just do this once. I would like to believe that everyone makes a mistake, but this is a supposed solid company with a solid reputation. Why would they do unless they thought they could get away with it and this says a lot about their opinion of us consumers. I wonder who else is doing this? Just my 2cents worth. Thanks for the info.

Joe in Mobile

If you think a billet aluminum faceplate, THX badge, and double box w/ extra insulation for a $3K premium over the Oppo BD-83 it hides inside it's chassis is worth it... then yes, the Lexi[con] BD-30 at 7x's the price is what you want.

What an insult to both audio/video-philes alike. Lexicon exhibits the same unconscionable business ethics as investment bankers. Pure capitalistic greed. Nothing else. Now they show the classic denial-guilt complex in their repsonse to Audioholics because they've been caught. In their minds they're thinking other companies do the same thing so why are we the bad-guys. That might be so, but they usually make significant modifications to the unit, as do after-market mod companies. The latter doing a much better job at it, and probably for less. What an embarrassment for a supposedly revered A/V company. I have not, and will not, buy Lexicon products.

I wonder if the $15K KRELL Evolution 555 is just a repackaged/rebranded Oppo BD-83 too. ;-)

Another significant part of the story is that the Lexicon received THX certification (the Oppo did not), yet the measurements taken clearly showed that the Lexicon did not meet THX specifications. How much faith or value should we place with both companies if the allegations are true?