Vinyl***What If***

Hypothetical here:
My new incoming Cayin integrated has a built in MM stage..IF I convinced myself I wanted to try vinyl & knowing absolutely nothing about set up,care etc..& do NOT like to constantly fiddle recommend me a complete,bare minimum setup...
Speakers are Harbeth M30.1 & cables are Nordost Lief Series Red Dawn...Thanks much..
It’s not my target but the target for any one likes to listen through any kind of home audio system.


I think we have a few "empathy" problems within this crowd. That is, a problem understanding that one’s own goals are not the default goals of other people.

We’ve been through your blinkered ideas on this hobby before so I’m not going to waste too much time. But...

Me: "organic, spacious, with wonderful texture and presence and warmth."

you are totally wrong with all those adjectives but presence because live MUSIC just does not performs in that way that only exist in a wasted dream/imagination BECAUSE the recording microphones are " seated " at nearfield from the MUSIC source 1m-3m and that’s what is in the recording ( other than recorder gentleman " manipulations to the micro signal. ) and if you experienced live MUSIC seated at near field position the no one of those adjectives could any one experienced with.

Uh...actually, yes it does. I own a pair of ears. Like anyone else I listen to live acoustic sources all day long. Aside from that, I’ve played, and been in the presence of live acoustic singers and instruments countless times - I grew up in a house with saxophones, clarinets, drums, french horns, trumpets, 4 different pianos, guitar, trombone - you name it. My dad was a jazz musician and music teacher who could play all those instruments and often did at home, and we all played many instruments.

I have been in plenty of studios recording music. For my job I record live acoustic sources all the time. I have done live vs reproduced comparisons of live instruments vs recordings of those instruments (and with voices).
So, spare me the "i know better than you" stuff about what live instruments, including recorded instruments, can sound like.

I didn’t claim that vinyl is more accurate or "better." Digital has the greater capability of being accurate to the source recording (or to the recording process itself). But vinyl *can* have attributes that are pleasing. And not just pleasing: some of the attributes can be *similar* or consonant with what I hear in real life sounds. When I examine real life voices and instruments I do indeed often find terms like "organic, spacious, texture, presence, warmth" come to mind. Sometimes...not all the times...sometimes a vinyl album will produce attributes that to me sound more like the real thing. Sometimes not, sometimes digital does.

But, hey, if you require a rant to get things off your chest....go ahead.I’m just trying to help you understand why your message is likely not getting across.

Dear @prof  1 :  This is at least the second time you tal of what you are but the " trouble " is not that at the end the matters is that we are talking of different issues.

When for you  ""  that one’s own goals are not the default goals of other people... ""

those " other people goals " are personal ones and the target I name it is a " universal target " not a personal. My personal targets are in second step below the universal/main target just in the same way your goals are personal too.

I don't care of your goals or even mine but how acomplish that univeral/main AUDIO TARGET because with out this univeral target you and me just can't acomplhis our personal targets. 

As nearer we are of that universal/main audio target as more easy we will acomplish/arrives to our personal MUSIC/audio targets.

That main target is not my personal goal is the AUDIO goal with out any gentleman name on it.

It's a target that is the bench-mark to compare where we are " seated " and to look which of our personal goals are not yet accomplished.
Against what are we comparing if our " system up-grades " were really " up-grades " and not only more of the same but in different way?

We all need a universal audio bench-mark.  Maybe you did not ! ! ? ? ?


"organic, spacious, with wonderful texture and presence and warmth."

Prof, you seem to claim that you can get those things from vinyl without high-end hardware. While all I hear is a flat pasty sound; the same one the multitudes rejected, and they also rejected the high-end gear necessary to get the sound you claim to hear without it.

@orpheus10  : Come on, he does not need it. Do you know whom is he?, let that he tell you about.



Ok, so the cheap turntables you heard produced what you perceived to be flat pasty sound.  That's your anecdote and totally valid for you if that's what you perceived.

That's far from what I got from my original turntable.   And that is not a description I hear from most who have bought a turntable.  In fact "spacious"  "warm" tends to be common descriptions.  I have read tons of reports of people who have just got in to vinyl  and it is almost uniformly a report of enthusiasm if not outright joy!   Reddit is a great place to see plenty of people just getting in to vinyl.  I don't remember a single report of someone getting in to vinyl, buying a player (at least better than a Crosby) and reporting "actually, the sound stinks, I'm giving this up and going back to only digital."

It's weird that you just can't accept someone may like something other than what you like.   And that's ok.  You don't have to save anyone from having a good time enjoying modest turntables.  People have different preferences and criteria and goals, and that's ok.   Are you this much of a spoil-sport about everything, or is it just turntables and vinyl?