Vinyl***What If***

Hypothetical here:
My new incoming Cayin integrated has a built in MM stage..IF I convinced myself I wanted to try vinyl & knowing absolutely nothing about set up,care etc..& do NOT like to constantly fiddle recommend me a complete,bare minimum setup...
Speakers are Harbeth M30.1 & cables are Nordost Lief Series Red Dawn...Thanks much..

"organic, spacious, with wonderful texture and presence and warmth."

Prof, you seem to claim that you can get those things from vinyl without high-end hardware. While all I hear is a flat pasty sound; the same one the multitudes rejected, and they also rejected the high-end gear necessary to get the sound you claim to hear without it.

@orpheus10  : Come on, he does not need it. Do you know whom is he?, let that he tell you about.



Ok, so the cheap turntables you heard produced what you perceived to be flat pasty sound.  That's your anecdote and totally valid for you if that's what you perceived.

That's far from what I got from my original turntable.   And that is not a description I hear from most who have bought a turntable.  In fact "spacious"  "warm" tends to be common descriptions.  I have read tons of reports of people who have just got in to vinyl  and it is almost uniformly a report of enthusiasm if not outright joy!   Reddit is a great place to see plenty of people just getting in to vinyl.  I don't remember a single report of someone getting in to vinyl, buying a player (at least better than a Crosby) and reporting "actually, the sound stinks, I'm giving this up and going back to only digital."

It's weird that you just can't accept someone may like something other than what you like.   And that's ok.  You don't have to save anyone from having a good time enjoying modest turntables.  People have different preferences and criteria and goals, and that's ok.   Are you this much of a spoil-sport about everything, or is it just turntables and vinyl?

Orpheus and Raul.

I will give you guys my daughter's tel number and you can tell her she cannot possibly be enjoying listening to her albums.

You can expound and wax lyrical about why this is so.

Let me know how that works out for you.