Headphone cable, what do you do?

I hope it is not just me but none of the headphones I have owned over last few years have long enough cable to reach from my headphone amp to my normal listening, lounging seat.

At present I have been using a fairly cheap 20ft extension cable I purchased off eBay but upon reflection could this be degrading the sq?

Surely I am not the only one in this situation so my question is what do you do? Your solution?
And as I said if Grado are restricting their dealers from enjoying more sales via eBay then I still have no time for them.

And if that is the case then that is exactly what they should have stated in their reply to myself.

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions viz eBay.

Personally I would never have been able to sell half of my older gear without eBay due to its massive audience.

Just as a FYI.

There are 19 listings on eBay right now for Grado products where ALL 19 state categoricaly that they are full authorized Grado dealers.

Just type in the search bar "authorized Grado dealer" …..

Just one example, note the wording in bold at end of the ad!


So either they are making false claims and statements or Grado customer service is full of it!

Again I did not mention the dealer I purchased from on eBay in my email to Grado and they never asked me who I purchased from.

So they had no way of knowing if my purchase was from one of these "authorized dealers" or not?

My takeaway from this is that my experience of Grado customer service has been very poor and that if these truly are authorized dealers then do not expect Grado to stand behind them via direct contact.

And that is my final word on this subject.
It's usually pretty easy to find information about warranties on most manufacturer's websites:

"Only products purchased from an authorized Grado reseller will be honored under our warranty program. Grado resellers are not permitted to offer merchandise through any online auction services; hence any products purchased this way are not covered under our warranty program. When purchasing a Grado product please keep all receipts, for they will be needed to have warranty service performed."

This agrees with what you were told about buying the cable on ebay.  I'd say your issue is with the reseller, not Grado.

Then there are at LEAST 19 dealers on eBay guilty of false advertising.

Greg did you read the listing at the link I posted above?

Especially the last sentence in bold at the end.

Rather goes against the statement made by Grado would you not agree.

It appears Grado needs to get its house in order including its claimed fully authorized dealers who are selling on eBay.

So no, at this juncture I still say I have just cause to criticize Grado for this situation.

I have forwarded a couple of the Grado eBay listings to Grado customer service and invited their comments on the matter so will see if they respond.
People on eBay can claim whatever they want.

I'm not sure what recourse, if any a manufacturer has against someone making false claims to be a dealer of their products, but I know it's not uncommon.

I wouldn't have done it for a headphone cord, but when making larger purchases I often look on the manufacturer's website to confirm a dealer is authorized. 

There's a lot of grey market and counterfeit stuff on eBay and I don't think it's policed all that well. 

I'm not a Grado fan or anything, the only thing of theirs I own is a cartridge that came on a used table I bought. It's lame that your cord gave up the ghost so soon. I can't think of any of mine that have failed, although we all know that cables can and do fail. That in itself for me would probably be reason enough not to buy from them again. 

They do however make it crystal clear what they will and won't support.