Odyssey MKV RCM owners, I have a question

If you have or had an Odyssey MKV record cleaning machine and could look at, or already know what the brand and model of vacuum pump used on this machine is, could you post it?

I'm going to upgrade the Charles Austen pump on my vintage Keith Monks Gemini record cleaning machine. 

It would really be appreciated if you could check and post the pump info.... thank you.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Sorry to hear that, Seth was kind to me. He was more of a phone guy than an email guy as I remember. I did spend some time with him, both on the phone and at his studio. (He's a pretty well known archivist of old historic recordings, among other things). 
That pump company you mentioned is still in business, as you probably know. The trick is to see if the fittings that are used on the Monks will fit onto a new pump, if that is what you are after. I wonder if the pump company itself supplies any of those fittings since I doubt Monks would fabricate fittings if they are standard items. 
Monks itself lists a replacement pump that no doubt has all the bells and whistles already attached.
I would be happy to take a look at the pump in my Monks if it is of any help to you, and snap a few photos. Mine is a late machine, an Omni, which was built after 2010.
 My email address is on the web if you look me up. My name is Bill Hart and I am listed at a page called flying reptile media group. 

Thank you for your help and information.  I had already researched the Keith Monks pump a few weeks ago, for the US it is a KNF UN022 AN(insert letter here for size of tubing connector).  It is available.

I was just curious to see what other options there were and find out what was used in the Odyssey to see if it may be a better pump.

The pictures that Albert had are not clear enough to be able to read the label on the Odyssey pump, so I'm still searching.
here's the Monks parts list which shows an Austen pump head rebuild kit:http://keith-monks.com/spare-parts/
Mine was rebuilt- the main thing it needed was a fresh diaphragm - the rest was tubing and fittings.
I'll try to reach Syntax for you. 
You might try writing to Austen directly and ask them what they supplied. More as I have it. 
Update, Albert resized one of the pictures and I was able to get the needed information.

for others who would also like to know, the pump is a Schwarzer Precision Model SP V 750EC
cool. Albert is a good guy and that was a good suggestion to reach out to him. Good to have the info- let us know what it takes to fit into a Monks. I'm hoping mine is good for a while, but you never know....
bill hart