Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)

Anyone care to give their opinion on what dynamic speaker has the most detailed/revealing midrange? Not including electrostatics or planar speakers. Approximately between the frequencies of 400Hz to 3kHz. Also, just to clarify what I mean by detail: when there is a musical passage that entails many different layers of instruments, the speakers' ability to separate all the elements so all the instruments are heard clearly and nothing is obscured. Also the ability to retrieve every last bit of information on a recording, such as random sounds in the studio, distortion in recordings and reverb tails.

As far as price goes... 2 categories... below $12,000 USD (new) and any price range. Thanks.
I would go with the ones you like the best.I have never heard many of the speakers mentioned but I am sure the pro acs or ATC would be killing it in the mid range.For more classical music or jazz the Harbeth's would be very very nice.

And the winner is Lipinski L707. For their dynamics, resolution, 3d imaging and beautiful sound. But you need to xo them them to good subs. And they are hard on bad recordings. A little eq-ing down 3db in the 2-4 khz region will help. I use the ATC 15" basses.
Below $12,000.00...
 1.Sonus Faber Electa Amator III...
 2...Harbeth M30.2...
ONLY when driven by a good tube amp...
I am using Vandy 5A's and truth be told, my earphones are more detailed...though they don't have the depth, air, bass, etc.
It was mentioned before but its worth repeating - prob some 3 way design in which one driver handles only the midrange. Sure there may or may not be integration / crossover issues but you can't get a purer midrange than that.

ATC, Harbeth, Linkwitz and PMC all have obvious examples but there must be many others.