These are some really interesting answers and stories. ...keep em coming. ...l will tell you mine as short as possible. .......
When l was a teenager back in the late 70's early 80's my best friends father was making the framework for Apogee speakers out of his machine shop . .His father had a pair of 7ft.tall Apogee ribbon speakers in his living room along with twin JBL 18 in. subwoofers......Krell amplification. ..and vinal as a source. ..this was our weekend party system as high school teenagers. .....l was hooked for life after that......
When l was a teenager back in the late 70's early 80's my best friends father was making the framework for Apogee speakers out of his machine shop . .His father had a pair of 7ft.tall Apogee ribbon speakers in his living room along with twin JBL 18 in. subwoofers......Krell amplification. ..and vinal as a source. ..this was our weekend party system as high school teenagers. .....l was hooked for life after that......