Lightning quick DYNAMIC amp in the under $1000 range

Hi guys, slowly upgrading my system on a bang for the buck budget. Anyone know of a musical, dynamic amp for under a grand? I would prefer new, but if anyone knows of a good deal on the used market, that could work, as well.
 These are older, but they are great values:
BEL labs 
Aragon 2004

 I admire both of these amps. Anyone else have experience with them? 
george, I have no idea which amp is best. But I have the STA200, check the audio advisor customer ratings and those in the thread I started here before buying it. Not an unsatisfied owner.

I don’t buy the doomsday audiosciencereview write up. Actually had no heard of the website until someone mentioned it RE: the STA200.

Have no pride of ownership thing, its just a fun $499 amp.

Haven't had a chance to try a class D amp, except in my subs.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned yet but you could get into a used Odyssey Stratos Extreme for a grand. Tough to beat at double maybe triple that price IMO. 
The Hypex NC400 is stable down to 1ohm.
The ICE ASC300 is stable down to 2.5ohm.

And the rest of that story goes.
Because of severe current limiting, my car radio is super stable it can take a dead short all day long so can my walkman, that doesn’t make it an amp that can give huge current down to 1ohm. What a smoke job!!

george, I have no idea which amp is best.
bstatmeister OP asked " So the STA-200 vs. Schiit Vidar is an interesting comparison. What would be the pros and cons of each be?
I said All you have to do is look at the inside of the two, and if you know what your looking at, for the little difference I would go the Schiit Vidar.

Cheers George