... OP is asking: Formerly DAC Quality was was an issue in the chain. Can we now assume that even the least DAC will have hit a minimum standard of quality that attention, and resources, are best applied to the other links?
When devices began to appear that reclocked the usb output of the computer, it finally started to sound listenable. Today it would be hard to find a DAC that doesn’t correct this.
Do all DACs therefore sound alike, and can we ignore differences between them? The answer is decidedly no.
I recently had two DACs in regular use that sounded wonderful indidually but could not have sounded more different from each other. I still think that the DAC will be the biggest determinator of the sound. That isn’t to say that the other links don’t matter
well said!
of vast import is NOT adding back into the digital chain more ERRORS and maintaining signal integrity with the ones and zeroes.
I am fast coming to the opinion that UNLESS one throws demonstrably large wads of cash into a stand alone dAC, d(15K or more at retail) the current SOTA in DA conversion is at or very near its zenith.
this is of course barring some new 'warp drive' innovation in DA design and or technology, which is of course as yet unknown.
I feel from what I've experienced of late, only the 'statement or Reference' level dACs clearly surpass the offerings beneath them.
this observation leans heavily on the advances in 'clocking' and remarkable attention being given to the upscale dAC power sups.
this means, on balance, the threshold for diminishing returns has been substantially elevated via the DA conversion tech being employed almost universally in present DACs.
one already mentioned earmark of DA conversion advances is the proliferation of dACs across the board offer now merely a plethora of 'differences' rather than a multitude of 'betterment' with respect to audio quality.
not only are there chocolate and vanilla but chocolate toffee and vanilla toffee too.
given each compliant facet of the audio system does play a role, even to the point of redirecting or elevating SQ, the dAC itself can not be squarely set in the sights as the make it or break it link in the chain, and as such, investigating the items upstream of the DAC have become worthy of more in depth examinations.
for EX: one AQ product for $50 which is a USB plug in is getting loads of credible press as being able to deliver improved SQ.
EX; as previously pointed out herein, addressing likely or possible issues with power line gremlins is now more worthy than before of greater consideration.
even the protocol for streaming is of greater consequence than in previous years, ala ethernet or the rest of the usual suspects, USB, and or coaxial interfaces.
how long will it be before we have multiple options for digital converters that work off the grid entirely?
obtaining great audio thru the digital side of the coin is getting cheaper, though remaining uber concious of the seemingly lesser devices and software that contribute to the audio being 'clicked up' is key.