Quanmer, I have extensive experience with the Tidal Preos preamplifier that I have heard many times in a system I know and limited experience with Tidal power amplifiers that I only heard the last two years in Munich. The Tidal preamplfiers are absolutely world class. They are exactly from the same camp as their speakers, the pursuit of as limited character of their own as possible. I could say the same about their power amps.
Roysen the synergy between Tidal Speakers and Sovereign electronics are absolutely world class. I would say that the Sovereigns are just a small tad warmer than the Tidals! You cannot go wrong with either of them!
Happy listening,
Roysen the synergy between Tidal Speakers and Sovereign electronics are absolutely world class. I would say that the Sovereigns are just a small tad warmer than the Tidals! You cannot go wrong with either of them!
Happy listening,