Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Roysen, I heard the Sunrays sound way too tuby and warms with the Bridge Audio amps at CES 2010 and then sound outstanding at CES 2011 with the same amps?? I could not find out whether the amps had been changed in that year, but I think not.

My point is that they reveal the electronics quite well. The best I have ever heard the Contrivas was with the Ypsilon hybrid amps. Unfortunately, I doubt that these two products will ever display together, at least in the US.

My Contrivas have never sounded too warm with either H-Cat electronic or now BMC electronics. Both are solid state.
you haven't heard tidal speakers until you've heard them with chalice audio 'grail set mono block amps...keith..who has either the T1 's or the sunrays has heard most of the great amps with his tidals..including the tidal amps..and agrees with me on the 'grail' amps..email him at kt@innovations1.com...
I would say that is wrong Audiofeil. Neutral is not subjective. Neutral is no coloration, no distortion and no compression. The degree of neutrality can be measured by comparing the input with the output.
Neutral means one single thing and ONLY: What is written in the source material. Period