Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
tbg- you are welcome! it not only my opinion... maybe it is yours too, just don't want to say it in open forum?
just look how many""tidal refernce" "special this&that" for sale more then a year....
conclusion-better speakers for the money then tidal.for sure.
Focalfan, I still think very highly of the Tidals and their ceramic drivers. I know people's whose ears I respect who hear the sound of ceramic drivers. I don't. But I do on other ceramic driver speakers. I have thought about selling my Tidals, however but not because I don't like them any longer. Were I to do so, I would probably buy the new BMC Arcadia speaker, which does not use ceramic drivers.
I have heard the Marten Coltrane 2 speakers and liked them, so if it is a 'me too' speaker it sounded pretty good, but way too expensive. Never heard the Tidals but i have to second Focal fan in that the new high end Focal series (Scala) sound excellent to my ears and are not over priced.