Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 

Taking into account that these are very different amps, I'm wondering how you use the loudness control.

Honestly I don't. :) I think for me I get enough resolution at lower levels, though occasionally the music is so interesting I do raise the volume.

I think you have mentioned that you live in an apartment. I find that I have to turn the volume up quite loud to get the same effect as with the loudness engaged.

I do, and I probably should try the loudness button sometime. Yes, that's the whole point, is to improve upon our hearing at low volumes so we can hear a broader range.  The last time I seriously attempted to use the tone controls was at the dealer, where I had to cut the bass and treble to get the Wilson's balance to stop hurting me, and honestly they impressed me by doing exactly what I needed without any noticeable negative effects.

I think part of the issue may be that I don't have a lot of light at my listening location and I'm reluctant to turn one on to figure out where the right button is on the remote. This is a very good sounding integrated, but the Luxman remotes need a serious ergonomic overhaul.

Just FYI, it seems there is another batch of 505ux on sale via the Agon and Excel Audio in Newport Beach.
Might want to try the Luxman 590AXII. Several people I know have switched from the 509 to the 590 which has more of the CLASS A traits....Warmer/sweeter, better highs etc.  The 509 Mirrors the M900 Amps where the 590 is closer to the M800A profile which is more musical.
riaa, I will be interested in your opinion of the 590 should you purchase it. What amp/pre are you using now?

I wont be using a 590 unless I get too weak to carry the 100 pound amps around (Which could be any day now). My current inventory is:

Dag 400 Monos, ARC 160M Monos, ARC REF 10, Audio Note Jinro, Ayre KX-R Twenty, Pass Labs XA-25, Luxman C900/M900...and some older Multi Channel amp/pre combos (Arc/Conrad Johnson)