Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 
erik_squires OP5,529 posts04-07-2019 8:37amAbout the 590:


Sorry, low power class A is an entire lifestyle change I would not be willing to make.
About the 590.


Based on real world measurements, it’s over 90W/channel into 8ohms and near 160W into 4ohms. It’s 30W in Class A, then switches to A/B above that. I own the L-590AX, it’s anything but low power.

Hi @builder3

Yes, if the amp is actually closer to 90 Watts before clipping, this makes MUCH more sense to me.

Perhaps they underrated it to avoid the 1/3 power warm up required?

Thanks for the additional information.


Erik, I assume they are only publishing the Class A output. Not sure why, they seem to do themselves a big disservice. The amp is far from low powered. I suspect if you had one to audition in your home, the 507 would be soon for sale.