I always understood the latest discussion was about dynamics and not loudness. Being a bass player in Rock Bands as well as performing as a studio musician for a limited time I know dynamics and slam. I think that the Tim Smith articles on dynamics with the Tektons mirror my own experiences with the Tektons and low power tube amps including SET; they do dynamics startling well. If you want concert-level volume and dynamics in a normal house, or room have at it, pay the price of admission and be done with it.
What we are discussing here is a family man with about 11x10 listening room, and like most people with a family, limited resources to allocate to the high-end of audio. I believe Rebbi has done a stellar job separating the chaff from the wheat demonstrating remarkable ability to put together an Everyman high-end system. We truly need more of that example.
Suggestion for speakers ought to be of high quality all around, that best fit
in with creating a properly balanced, synergistic system that also fits a budget.
My audio bias falls in the camp of tone, tone, more tone, timbre, natural musical flow, richness, liquid sounds that get a piano right, as well as all the other instruments, just like real accoustic life, a good stage, coherence, natural decay, PRAT, male and female voice front and center with height and dimentionality, as well as all the other goodies. If I miss a smidgen of slam, ok, it costs too much, but the Tektons amongst others come close, very close. So given the goody bag cost which do you prefer to lose?