Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 
  • Wilsons were wired out of phase
  • Serious digititis (from Marantz player?)
  • Treble and bass were way too high
  • Grip and control on speakers wasn't that great

What I heard was an all Luxman system with Nordost cabling. The Luxman CD player's DAC was used via ROON. The sound was non-fatiguing. It was actually one of the biggest takeaways I had as I made my long drive home. Sometimes in these demos I get a little carried away and crank up the volume. This time with the TAD ME1 and the Luxman electronics I did not have any fatigue issues. I did not crank it as loud as in some demos but it was at a level that could have give me headaches.

It would be great if Luxman would update their preamps with an integrated DAC (as an option) and streaming. 
It would be great if Luxman would update their preamps with an integrated DAC (as an option) and streaming."
Good idea, but I think they may expect that, on that level, people like to experiment instead of getting it already pre-assembled. Same with phono pre-amplifiers. Just my guess, of course.

One thing I like about Luxman intergrateds is that they have more or less everything (minus DAC option). Old school goodness.
I am going to cross post this.

Turns out the 507ux is the first amp I have owned in a long time which is NOT AC grounded. The socket in the rear is a 2 pin, and the cable that comes with it is as well.

AFAIK, in order to do this legally manufacturers have to take extra care and double insulate the gear.

This could very well be a contributing factor in the sound quality. No ground pin = no ground loop through the AC line. Pretty awesome. :)

Erik, my 590 is the same, no ground. Zero issues, someone a while back asked me about "hum", so I powered the amp up with no source running and started turning the volume up. Dead quiet.
On the power cord post, you don't owe me any apologies. Sometimes I'm in a hurry and make a pretty short post, comes off a little terse, sorry. Just the fact that you were buying from DH Labs caught my eye, they deserve more respect, both for their products, and their service. I was really second guessing my power cord purchase, it's not something I have much experience with, and the price was a bit out of my comfort range. And yes, I realize a lot of folks here would laugh at that. In the end, it was the most bang for the buck I've ever had in the hobby, and just wanted to pass it along.
I would like to seek advices on the Luxman amp. I am interested with the 507xuIi and the 509x. I would not be able to audition them as there is no luxman distributor in my country. I would be ordering and shipping them from oversea. With a price premium of about 40% over 507xuIi.  Sonically what are the edge that 509x has over 507xuII? Is there a huge jump in terms of sound quality?

thank you