Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube - I Want It!!!

At the NY Audio Show this past weekend, I got to see and hear the demo of the Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube.  This PC-based stand alone unit is amazing.  Here is what it does:

1.  De-clicks vinyl - and does so completely transparently, and is user-adjustable (more or less filtering of clicks and pops). 

2.  Digitizes vinyl - MP3 through 24/192 resolution.

3.  Locates metadata for LPs being played/digitized, including cover art

4.  Inserts track divisions based on the metadata (wow!).

5.  Compensates for non-RIAA recordings

6.  Plug in apps will do even more, like reducing groove noise.

It inserts in a line-level loop or between your phono preamp and preamp.  It has digital (S/PDIF and USB) outputs as well as analog outputs.

Projected retail is $2500, and they plan a kickstarter campaign soon.

If you spend time digitizing vinyl, this thing is nothing short of a miracle.  I want one so badly I can taste it.

(I am not associated with Sweet Vinyl in any way.)

Ok, I just had to post this... I am finally able to digitize vinyl at 96/24 using my Sweetvinyl SugarCube SC-2 and play it back from my server. I am listening to Sting's LP "Nothing Like the Sun" that I digitized from a pretty clean double LP, and I am having a "Holy-Mother-of-Crap" moment, where everything is just about perfect. Clean, effortless, extended, all the buzz-words. Wow! The highs, especially, are so much cleaner and smoother than with my Red Book digitized files using my Marantz CD recorder. Considering my system costs a fraction of what many people here have spent on their rigs, it is really something! I love music, and I love this hobby!  There are some issues in the new beta software I am testing, but the quality of the files I created with this wonder-box is really amazing.
Just a quick update:  The beta software for the SC-2 has gone through several revisions.  Metadata searching has improved greatly.  Also, I can now enter catalog numbers of LPs and the SC-2 will use that data to populate the metadata fields and add album art.  Track begin/end identification still needs work, but is getting better.  I still have to manually adjust each start and end point.  Transient noise in between tracks remains an issue which Sweetvinyl says is being worked on.
Interesting read. Not for me. I enjoy the subtle psychological torture from pops and ticks. Tenacious. They really should bring you out for drinks.
The OP's postings convinced me it's a waste of time/money for me.

I'd rather put a record on, and just enjoy listening. If an album is beyond cleaning, toss it, and jump into the bins for a replacement.

Way too much gadget involvement, rather than actually listening to music.

To each his own.

@tablejockey @noromance ... Of course, no piece of kit is for everyone.  Otherwise, we would all own that piece of kit.  I started this thread by remarking that if the SC-2 only digitized LPs, split tracks, added metadata, and dumped them on my server, I could live without the click processing.  That remains the case.  To me, the click processing is the icing on the cake.  Since almost all of my records are purchased used, the processing has been helpful.  Also, when you read this thread, remember, you are being shown the sausage-making process of a new product, even a new product category.  If and when all the bugs are fixed, this will be a very simple turn-key product.

All that said, I am having a blast using my Sugarcube, and I am enjoying the collaborative process of being a beta tester, my first such experience.

When the bugs are fixed, I will be inviting members of my local audio club to stop by with an LP they would like to digitize.  If you are local (central NJ) and would like to try it, let me know, and when it's ready, I will contact you.