Looking for a little help for speakers I may purchase

I recently went to audio dealer near me and by accident decide to listen to a used pair of egglestonworks andra.  I must say I was completely blown away by the sound. I decided I will listen one more time this weekend.  And for the price being very affordable I will put them in my bedroom.  They were hooked up to prima tube. But I dont want to put tube in my room. And want to keep amp and pre under 2 or 3k. Any suggestions? Used is fine. Ty
Pcc67 I’m pretty sure you heard those speakers at Audio Video Therapy. There are a number of Intergrateds which you can hook them up to. John carries Parasound, Yamaha, Plinius, Luxman, Rotel, Marantz, Anthem and Naim. The folks are always glad to switch integrated’s around for you to check. You can also take it home to demo before buying. I gave them a listen the last time I was there and they are in excellent shape.
That's why I have a basement full of speakers! every time I see a deal that seems too good to be true i dig out my wallet! I'm guessing your bedroom is 20x30'x? I'm just glad you saw them b4 me. I read those speakers like power and really come into their own playing Loud.
Yes luxmancl38, 
The staff is excellent there.  Only place I go and so far the only place I've purchased from.  Service is above and beyond anywhere or anyplace I've ever been.  I was there this past weekend.  Before I left I listed to them for about 30 minutes, they where hooked to PL.  I will go back this weekend for a longer listen, pretty sure I will get them.  I'm sure John will hook me up, but always good to get second opinions.  Luxman did you like them?
Yes. To big for my room. If they weren't you'd be out of luck. Looks like a steal of a deal. I bet it would match up w/the Yamaha AS-1100 or 2100. Give it a shot. I've been dealing w/John for over 20 years. I recently purchased the Luxman PD-171A TT.