Vinyl vs high def audio i.e. 24bit / 96 or 192khz

I was born to the world of cassette tapes and soon digital music. My only experience with Vinyl was the one rather audition I had recently. It wasn't feasible at the time for us to try a blind fold A/B test. So my question for anyone has experienced both, is that is it worth it to buy a turntable? 

The entry level ones are not really expensive compared to the gears I currently have. However, it's my habit to not keep things that I would not use. That includes thing that is a hassle to use or requires a lot of maintenance. The shop owner where I auditioned a Rega turntable kind of insinuated it falls into both of the aforementioned categories. For instance, the Vinyl doesn't hold many songs so swapping is pretty much a necessity. Upon some research, I also found that vinyl albums recently issued are likely produced from a digital master anyway, some are even just slightly above CD Quality. I have a large library of songs from HDTracks that are at least 24bit / 48khz and honestly I cannot tell a difference once they hit 24 bit / 96khz. 

With the above said, what's so great about Vinyl in your view? Thanks for the feedback. 
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+1, elizabeth.

I do remember seeing LP’s in dollar bins. And selling majority of my CD’s for pennies on the dollar few years back.

Dear @millercarbon: My reference to you was because you posted inside the superiority of the LP alternative against the digital one but with no single fact that proves your take and certainly your last post has nothing to say about that LP superiority.

There is no mountainous economic barrier to entry to the vinyl world if one is patient. Just today in a high end audio equipment store I saw a perfectly functioning used 35 or so year old then TOTL turntable with a very fine vintage cartridge for $100 (reduced twice from a starting price twice that). This store offers 30 day audition to boot.

With patience one can find 30, 40, 50 and even 60 year old vinyl that is in NM- condition for $1-$2 in thrift shops. Jazz, rock, classical, you name it. Turn hunting for these gems into a part of your hobby.

I can't imagine not listening to vinyl which is always my preferred medium. Tape (again a vote for analog) would be next followed by streaming Tidal and cds. 
I can offer another reason why people may be attracted to vinyl: its user-friendliness, i.e. it's fussy but I understand it.
I have a high-performance digital front-end (pc-based music server-reclocker-dac, etc) and two TTs. When the server is down, I have *no* idea what’s going on and why. It can happen at, seemingly, random.
The TT s/ware never crashes...