Update on Paul Laudati of Clear Day Cable

I was recently informed that Paul passed away last week.  He was 60 years old.  I set up Paul's/Clear Day Cables Facebook page for Paul.  I knew how much it meant to him to provide the very best possible product to his loyal customers.  While I'm not an audio geek, Paul often shared with me the nuances of his products and how the metals affected sound.

If you are a believer, remember Paul in your prayers.  I don't have any other details,  I believe there will be a memorial service in his native New Jersey in about 3-4 weeks.

Thought to post an update here because I knew how much this site meant to Paul.  If anyone is inclined perhaps you could leave a few words on his CDC Facebook page.  I'm sure it would mean a lot to his family, especially at this trying time.

Clear Day Cables


Neal Murray 
Paul was the best. Kind and full of integrity. An absolute gem in this industry.  
I am so sad to hear this news. All my ICs, speaker cables and jumpers are from Clear Day. Just last week I called him up after a late Saturday listening session. I thought about him because of the the pleasure his cables bring to my listening experience. I left a VM. About 6 months back I gave him a similar call and while I was leaving VM, he picked up the phone hearing my name and we spoke for about 10 minutes. He advised me to enjoy life and love near and dear ones. He knew he had a short time to live, but seemed alright then.
He was a GREAT GUY and will be missed very much. Rest in peace Paul.
Neal Murray,My sincerest condolences to Paul's family. I never met him in person, but I am feeling so so sad. Kindly share this page with his family. I do not have a Facebook account.
Thank You.
I talked to Paul a few times, an absolute joy to speak with and just B.S. about any subject that came up. My impression of him was an honest, caring man with a good nature and a great product he believed in. He did leave an impression on me and will be missed. Heaven has great cables now! R.I.P. brother...