Question for Merlin VSM/ARS Sonum owners

Hi all,
What did you have (preamp/amp) before convert to one piece Filarmonia ?
Is this Filarmonia sound that good with VSM?
I currently run my VSM-MXe with Cary SLP-05 with Cary CAD-120S (both are Stereophile Class A rated if that matter) - My CD player is Cary 306-200 - Using Cardas Golden Ref balanced cable thru out system.
Wonderful sounding in short -
Now I have a thought of trying Filarmonia to save some rack space (1 vs 3), cable, and $$ as well
I would like to know what you have before ARS Sonum and your comments
I have tried E88CC from Telefunken and Siemens.. liked teles...then i read thuan98s views on amprex

i tried 1 Amperex 6922 PQ white label USA & 2 Amperex Bugle Boy 12AU7 Holland and its wonderfully will stop taping your feet insted get up and dance..thank you thuan98 for sharing your views in the forum

it is definitely better than the regular tubes (jj & philips) in fila by a big margin
For anyone interested, I recently posted a review of the new Merlin Master VSM's in the reviews sections.
Excellent review T. Some times you just have to listen to something to get past your preconcieved notions. Few believe that a smallish 2-way speaker could be among the very best speakers in the world - till they hear the Merlins for themselves. 130+ "reviewers" (user reviews on seem to think so too, and you can't that kind postive response through advertising and cocktails.
Is there any side effcts on Amperex tubes instead of riginal tubes ?

I'm not sure why Tuan98 returned to original tubes.
