New Joseph Audio Pulsar Graphene 2

Just wanted to update my prior thread where this topic may have gotten lost.  As many of you may know by now, Joseph Audio has come out with the new Pulsar Graphene 2. This new iteration of the venerable Pulsars has a graphene coated magnesium midrange-woofer cone, and the drive motor, suspension system, etc., have been revamped. From what I have been told, the upgrade is pretty significant ... the sound is fuller and has greater ease, yet is very resolved. Jeff Joseph advises that an upgrade path will be available for existing owners of the Pulsars, too. Also, note that the price quoted in the Soundstage piece was in Canadian dollars ... Jeff informs me that the price in USD is $8,999 per pair. I am eager to hear the new Pulsars.
what audiophiles hear can certainly be fictional in some cases. Consider the high end cable scam thats been going on for many years. No evidence that cables make any difference and no plausible explanation why they would. Despite that, audiophiles will happily rationalise spending thousands on cables.

Audiotroy wrote:

We could have gotten better sound with warmer cables AQ does not a good match make with these components.

Even dealers cannot fail to be duped to believe such hogwash.

A dealer i recently visited told me that there was not enough bass because he was using the wrong speaker cables.

There should be laws to protect consumers from such hogwash.


I don't begrudge your opinion about the Perspectives, or the Paradigm speakers at all.  If the Paradigms sound better to you, even with cheaper amps, awesome!  I found the Paradigm Personas to be a really excellent speaker.

But in the same vein of comparing gear combinations:  I have an old pair of Thiel 02 speakers, which cost just a few hundred bucks circa early 80s, and hooked up to a lil old Eico HF81, that meager combo gives me more listening pleasure than I got from the Paradigms.

Horses for courses...
(I'm not saying that sound is purely subjective of course - we could still talk in more objective terms about which speaker is more full range, has higher resolution, different dispersion, smoother frequency response etc.But when it comes to personal evaluations, what "beats" some other gear is pretty subjective).

Dream on marklarsen many of our posts have nothing to do with products we sell. 

You seem hurt is it because you own a speaker that we didnt proclaim was amazing? Willing to bet you wouldnt be so negative if we thought they were amazing.

Kenjit dream on cables are hardily a scam way too many people hear the difference and certain cables will bring out more or less treble and bass.

"We could have gotten better sound with warmer cables (sic) AQ does not a good match make with these components."

There ya have it. That appears to be an admission that tone controls are required for those particular high priced components. Audio equipment is like a spouse or significant other ... you take them as you find them, and don’t try to change them.

If a tree falls in the forest and @prof hears it, is the sound fictional at best?

Not if you can measure it ;)