what audiophiles hear can certainly be fictional in some cases. Consider the high end cable scam thats been going on for many years. No evidence that cables make any difference and no plausible explanation why they would. Despite that, audiophiles will happily rationalise spending thousands on cables.
Audiotroy wrote:
Even dealers cannot fail to be duped to believe such hogwash.
A dealer i recently visited told me that there was not enough bass because he was using the wrong speaker cables.
There should be laws to protect consumers from such hogwash.
Audiotroy wrote:
We could have gotten better sound with warmer cables AQ does not a good match make with these components.
Even dealers cannot fail to be duped to believe such hogwash.
A dealer i recently visited told me that there was not enough bass because he was using the wrong speaker cables.
There should be laws to protect consumers from such hogwash.