I don't begrudge your opinion about the Perspectives, or the Paradigm speakers at all. If the Paradigms sound better to you, even with cheaper amps, awesome! I found the Paradigm Personas to be a really excellent speaker.
But in the same vein of comparing gear combinations: I have an old pair of Thiel 02 speakers, which cost just a few hundred bucks circa early 80s, and hooked up to a lil old Eico HF81, that meager combo gives me more listening pleasure than I got from the Paradigms.
Horses for courses...
(I'm not saying that sound is purely subjective of course - we could still talk in more objective terms about which speaker is more full range, has higher resolution, different dispersion, smoother frequency response etc.But when it comes to personal evaluations, what "beats" some other gear is pretty subjective).