No Rib61 it is called synergy.
Imagine you are building a race car from scratch, you can choose the engine, the transmission, the tires, wheels, the braking systems.
Now imagine you have a competitive team also building the same kind of car now imagine you have two identically skilled drivers.
One team wins the other loses. Why? Because the car which all the parts work better in unison means that the particular car will work better and win the race.
Whenever you are building a system which has moving parts and those parts have different sonic attributes then you will produce different sound.
One pair of speakers on a tube amplifier will sound different on a solid state amplifier.
One set of cables may be brighter than another one could roll off the highs and sound duller.
The concept of cables influencing sound is simple cables can act like a capacitor and thus alter frequencies.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ