Your favourite Rush albums?

Started as a side discussion on another thread so thought I would just make a thread for it.

Pretty simple really, your favourite Rush albums and why?

To keep it simple, studio albums ONLY, no bootlegs, live albums etc.
This is a little off topic.

Being a period press freak, can anyone share their "stamper" info on Moving Pictures?

My copy is quite good. The build up on "The Camera Eye" and the assault  of "YYZ" will test any system.

I'm wondering if a Canadian or US press is the most desired among the dedicated anti reissue among us. I know were are a minority.

What's in the deadwax? It's not an absolute marker  for "best" but, a good reference  point.

Live lp from 76. All The Worlds A Stage.
Fantastic drum solo by the "Professor on the Drum Kit"
Neil Peart.
Every song on double LP a gem.
Anyone have the 40th anniversary vinyl of "A Farewell to Kings" or "Hemispheres"? How is it? Do you have an OP to compare? Just curious. If the 40th versions are superior, I would invest the money. But they are pricey and I don't want to throw away money if they are not better sonically.
@reubent From what I hear, the 40th ann. pressings of "Hemispheres" is inferior to the original. I got the original a few months ago and it sounds simply fantastic.

I can’t take Geddy’s singing from the last...what is it...10, 15 years?...where he’d lost his old vocal dexterity and no longer does the high notes. Even within his lowered vocal range I found his voice to be a hard-to-listen-to strained gargle. Especially the later live performances. Egad! A real bummer and pretty much rules out Rush music of that era for me.