DIY speakers of solid/reclaimed wood?

This popped up on FB today and got me wondering if solid wood would be a bad choice for speaker cabinets.Seems it would be unstable and tend to warp.They are pretty little things.I'm sure interior designers love them:)
Huh!Aren't those gorgeous!?I've heard of the brand but wrongly assumed they were veneered.
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I'd feel as if something's watching me every time I come into whatever room they're in.
Bad idea guys. Wood expands and contracts with humidity. The various species do this at various rates. What we do to prevent cracking is float pieces that go across the grain to prevent cracking. The old raised panel doors are an example of this. The raised panel is floating so that it can move. Loose parts in speakers is not a good idea. This is the reason that most speakers are made with veneers. Manufactured products like MDF and plywood do not expand and contract so they can be used in box construction without fear of disintegration. MDF in particular has wonderful properties for speaker construction. It is dense, stiff dead stuff and takes a finish well. Those speakers look great now, talk to me in ten years.
That's what I thought.I've worked a bit with solid wood on other types of projects and have had to ensure that it has a little room to move to avoid splitting and buckling.Daedalus found a way around that somehow?