?Morrow or ZenWave Power and interconnects?

My current power cord into my PrimaLuna HP amp (running KT120’s) is a Laspada Audio Apollo II Power Cable, 10 gauge, 6 footer with Rhodium coated IEC connectors. 

It’s an ok power cord but it’s past time to upgrade and I’m considering either the Morrow Elite Power Cord or the ZenWave DPS-4 Power Cable. (Wall plug ungraded to a Furutech GTX-D)

(At the same time I’ll get the Morrow Elite interconnect, with 192 SSI WIRES or the ZenWave D4 interconnect)

For both Morrow cables/interconnect my cost would be  $2337 and for the ZenWave cables/interconnect $3265. It not the cost difference so much that’s got me hung but rather they both use very different approaches as to how they make their respective products. Both have glowing internet reviews.

I know ultimately this is about how it will sound in my room with my speakers, gear and ears. My preferences run neutral to warm sound.

I’d appreciate thoughts on these two possibilities or what might be comparable.


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You're spending that kind of money on the basis of construction and opinions without auditioning anything???
I would certainly take a good look at Purist which sounds much better than Morrow and is a great co as well.Purist also enjoys a much better resale as well.
I'm happy with any morrow items I've purchased. When researching I had a few suggestions for Purist but none of the dealers on their dealer page sell their cables (I tried about 8 dealers, they either didn't sell them or just the cd and lp-no cables).

I'd definitely audition some. I asked for some from Morrow and he sent them right over. I didn't expect that because I'm nobody, just a schlub asking about cables.
Cable is dependent on system and personal taste.

You had better contact Dave of Zenwave for home audition of D4 IC cable and power cables.

I think IC will make more difference than power cables.
Great suggestion(s) in asking to audition. Called Dave...and will call Mike too..

Know interconnects are key