Well ... The Lightbulb Just Went On!

After almost 20 years in this hobby, I have come to realize that the most important IC connection is from preamp to amp. Cables from source components can "color" the sound somewhat and be system dependent,  but a neutral IC from preamp to power amp appears to prevent bloat, roll off, and over-coloration, at least as far as I can tell from a number of systems I've heard. Having tried so many different IC's in the preamp/amp position over the years, I have settled on Belden 1800F for that connection, and my rig sounds excellent to me. Of course, this is my own experience, and YMMV. Sort of glad that I've gotten off of the cable merry-go-round ... for now. 

Hi Miller

You're not using very much logic here. Why don't you let the thread continue on the merits it started with. Any part any where has a coloration. That's been established since the 70's. Why not build on reality and move forward from there. If you don't believe parts sound different why don't you start your own thread on that topic instead of crashing others threads that are discovering truths from their own findings?

These threads get too bogged down from guys who haven't experienced things for themselves. Time to let others step it up instead of dumbing (not doing or knowing) something down.

Michael Green

@michaelgreenaudio ... thank you, Michael. I agree that every cable and component has some form of coloration. The trick, at least for me, is to try to balance it all out. I'm only relaying my experience, and am interested to learn what others have found regarding this subject.
Given that the electronic parameters between output and input of any two components differ, it does not surprise me that one might find different ICs to work best between them. 
@millercarbon we aren't using cabling to fix perceived flaws.Just tweaking and tuning to let our systems perform their best just as you do.No different than trying various footers or vacuum tubes.Or four subwoofers:)I learned a lot from that thread btw.

Hi Miller

You're not using very much logic here. Why don't you let the thread continue on the merits it started with. Any part any where has a coloration. That's been established since the 70's. Why not build on reality and move forward from there. If you don't believe parts sound different why don't you start your own thread on that topic instead of crashing others threads that are discovering truths from their own findings?

These threads get too bogged down from guys who haven't experienced things for themselves. Time to let others step it up instead of dumbing (not doing or knowing) something down.

Michael Green

First let me apologize for Michael Green. He knows very well from my many posts that I not only know from extensive personal experience that parts sound different but am a staunch advocate of interconnects, speaker cables, and power cords as worthy of respect as speakers, amps and any other components. But Michael Green has a habit of misleading and using innuendo to smear others while projecting his moral authority, and this is just another example. All that remains now is for him to have my post removed for calling him out on his behavior.

Now just to prove its all innuendo and posturing, Michael Green what is illogical about my first question:  

"So, you are saying the same interconnect going into an amp sounds different than going into a pre-amp?"

Its really nothing more than restating the OP,  

  I have come to realize that the most important IC connection is from preamp to amp.

So where is the illogic? How is it off topic to ask?