D’Agostino Momentum stereo vs D’Agostino Progression Stereo Amp

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone heard both on the same setup and could point out the differences in sound ( soundstaging, timbre, bass and treble extension,...)
Maybe a bit early to say, but any technical or reliability issues with either of these gorgeous amps?
Any comparisons with other top amps (Rowland 825, Ayre MX-R twenty,...) 

Dan is one of the most disreputable manufacturers of equipment I can think of. I owned one of his Preamps. 8 years into its life one of the micro potentiometers broke. It was a custom pot and he did not keep any in stock for repairs. He told me to get a pot from Radio shack and mount it on the outside!!! A $6 K preamp back in 1981! If you think you are making a lifetime investment forget it. Do not go near any of his used equipment. If something goes you are screwed.
Thats why i got the Audia flight Stremto #4 power amp and am very happy, looks and sounds great.
If you check my system page you can read a brief comparison of the momentum and the Ayre monos (should be similar to the S250, just more power).

I had multiple cases of the original Ayre (non twenty) mono main board going bad after about 1.5-2 years - it was a known issue that I don’t think they were ever able to get the bottom of. The twenty doesn’t appear to have the same issue since it doesn’t use the problematic component. I didn’t have any issues with my twenties but only had them for a year. On my M400s, one of the input boards went bad after about a year. My dealer got D’Ag to ship me a new one and they showed me how to swap it out which was pretty straightforward.
Wow, to be honest I did not expect any negative comments, 1981 and Krell is a long time ago though...but sorry to hear about that negative experience @mijostyn