Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?

Just curious. I've heard for years not to plug amp into a surge protection evice. Does this apply to a preamp as well? Are the component fuses enough? Do affordable surge protection/conditioners exist that do not effect sound quality? 
Some of the mid line Furman studio units look nice. Plus you have the SurgeX/Brick devices that look like real winners. However, I'm not wanting any sound quality issues. BUT, I don't want my equipment destroyed as well. 

Thoughts please
So just did some reading. Apparently not all "whole house surge protectors" are UL 1449 compliant. Some are listed as "secondary surge protectors." Meaning the manufacturer expects you to have other devices for your electronics, but at least your big electrical devices won't fry. Might be worth checking which you have.

In any event, I suggest using a surge protector near your gear if you are in lightning prone areas.
 I had my utility put a whole house surge arrester on the meter before it enters the house. Everything in my house is protected after the meter. We have some great lightning storms here in Georgia and my neighbors have experienced issues with their appliances during storms while I haven’t. My ps audio bhk amp sounds the best when plugged directly into the wall but I run everything else thru a ps audio conditioner. During lightning storms, I don’t unplug anything and sometimes I still listen to music without worrying.
Look at a UK company called power inspired, they make full sinewave power regenerators for about £500. I use one and it is very good