Monitors to replace EPOS M-16i

Can I get suggestions on monitors or small floor-standing loudspeakers to replace a set of EPOS M-16i? I love their level of detail and resolution, but it seems like they're just a BIT too hot on the high end. If I could back off a little without sacrificing too much of their revealing nature, I'd be happy as a clam.

I tried a set of NHT Classic Threes, and they went too far in the other direction. This is primarily a 2-channel hifi system, but I periodically use it to check recording mixes, so tonal and dynamic accuracy is a must.

Associated equipment includes a Quad 909 amp, Acurus RL11 preamp, Cambridge 640c V2 source, and Hsu VTF-2 mk3 subwoofer. I'd also consider replacing the CD player. Budget is ~ $1K USD. Thanks!
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I'm surprised you have an issue with hf prominence using the Quad 909. That said, the Quad 12L has a "quiet" clean sounding tweeter, but (in my experience) it seems to have a recessed midrange compared to other speakers I had at the time. For me, the 12Ls sounded great, but when switching back to other speakers I had that "oh yeah" moment. The 11L might be more open in the mids, haven't heard them. Sounds like you need to look at soft dome speakers, although I feel that manufacturers like Totem, Alon, and PMC have done great work with metal.
Thanks for the comments. Blkadr, it looks like you have some experience with the Quad line -- how about the 22L2?

Another manufacturer that keeps popping up is LSA Group. Any comments on the LSA-1?
Actually, I used to have the 909 and a pair of 12L speakers a while back. These are the only recent Quads I have any experience with. Wish I could be more help. I've been hit hard by this economy so haven't been trading stuff lately. Right now I'm listening to my good old Swan M1s with a the only purchase I've made in two years, A Tamp-20 t-amp. Right now, surprisingly, I am happy as a clam.
Kinda biggish room - Some alternatives:

Quad 21L2 or 22L2
Totem Sttaf or Model One Signature
Dynaudio 52SE or Audience 72 or 72SE

Or keep Epos and...

Try Jolida or Naim CDP


Try some warmer wires - like Radio Shack Auvio ICs
Good point about the source -- my Cambridge Audio CDP is definitely not "polite". I've had Arcam units in the past that were more balanced. I'll probably grab a DAC like the MF V-DAC to see if that helps, but I still suspect the Epos M-16i are just a bit forward for my tastes.

I'm wondering if I were to go with something like the Quad 22L2 could I dispense with my subwoofer? I don't listen to a lot of music with content below 40 Hz, but I hate it when that bottom octave just isn't there.