Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp

Can someone explain is there is a difference between the watts of a tube amp vs vSS amp, Looking to get a tube amp ,but i see that the watts are much less than the SS amps, So how do these Tubes amps with 25 -70 - wpc drive these high end speakers, I have a vintage pair of AR 9s and 2 mcintosh MC2200 amps in mono (400 WPC) to drive these ,what tube amp will power these under 3-4k new or used, Thanks 
If you are starting with the premise that you need 400 wpc, and you have a somewhat tight budget restriction, most tube amps are not good candidates.  I think that even ultra expensive high powered tube amps don't sound very good and would stick with solid state for delivering that kind of power.

But, are you certain you really need that kind of power?  There are meters that can tell you how many watts are being delivered to your speakers.  If you use one of these meters while playing at typical volume levels and at the highest volume levels you play your system at, you will have a better idea of your power requirements.  If it turns out you do need more than 50 watts, it might best to just stick with solid state.
Oh no...

One of those SS watts threads!

Someone explain to the OP how he isn't even listening 20 watts of power.

A 10x increase in power output will result in a 10dB increase in volume -sound twice as loud. Unless you are trying to deafen yourself, you don’t need all that power.
See these meters: