whole house surge protection!
great idea. no question about it.
however, not a solution if one lives in an apartment or condo.
additionally in homes, installing an isolation T former would be a help.
Dedicated lines are a very good idea though these only reduce, and do not eliminate collateral noise. remember all the neutrals and grounds are connected at the service.
installing dedicated lines should then be on the same phase and if possible, a phase different from what is supplying most major appliances. as said, Micros, 'fridges, dish washers, washing machines, etc.
avoiding the lines ovens, dryers, and hot water heaters use is unavoidable as they are sucking off both phases periodically.
several problems solved!
... but then we're back to the reputed grunge living on the incoming power and a consequent need for filtering it out, or at least ameliorating it.