What are important features in a listening chair

Been wondering what features are important to you in a listening chair. 

(Besides the drink holder and familiar smell...)
I have a large leather arm chair with ottoman. I'd say that for me comfort is the number one priority. No matter what a chair means to the acoustic equation if it isn't pleasant to sit in then its useless.

It has a high back, but I am tall. I can sit with my head fully above the back or slumped down so that the back is higher than my head. There is no sonic difference whatsoever.
Low-back chairs will reduce reflections from the chair itself affecting the sound.  That, at least in theory, makes them preferable to chairs with headrests that stick out to the side.  But, in practice, I don't mind the sound when sitting in a comfortable chair with a high-back headrest.  The sound seems well focused when I sit in these types of chairs.
Try to avoid some fabrics like microsuede which can cause a static build up when you move to get up from it and then go to touch your gear, it can be hell on your digital in winter. Also I avoid the usual cheap leather substitutes than can creak and fart a lot when you even slightly move around on it, making things a bit noisy.

If there's going to be any creaking and farting going on in my listening room, I prefer it to come just from me.