Essentially JA has lost his hearing and wants you to hear like he does, and for the most part he’s accomplished it.
You can’t possibly mean that the speakers I like has been decided by my reading what JA has written....can you?
I mean, it couldn’t be that I have heard the speakers in question, before JA did his review, and found he reported what I heard?
I liked the Perspectives more, it seems, than JA did. He raved much more about speakers that leave me cold. I also love the Devore speakers which JA would never want to own.
He has crap taste, bad hearing and we’d never deliberately build anything he thinks is superb.
Really? Atkinson has raved about the Revel Salon2 speakers, stating:
John Atkinson wrote: That the Salon2 can offer such resolution along with the ability to play at high levels with full-range low frequencies, and has a neutral, uncolored midrange, and offers superbly well-defined and stable stereo imaging, and has silky-smooth top octaves courtesy its beryllium-dome tweeter, and features sonic coherence from bottom to top of the audioband, makes it both a Class A speaker in Stereophile’s "Recommended Components" listing, and gave me no choice but to make it my "Editor’s Choice" for Stereophile’s 2008 Component of the Year. And enough of the magazine’s reviewers agreed with me that the Salon2 was also voted Joint Loudspeaker of 2008.
The Revel speakers certainly do not fit this standard B&W wonky frequency response profile you insist JA favors to the exclusion of more neutral speakers. Are you saying you DIYers would never build anything like the Revel speakers that JA found to be superb? That would say more about you guys, than JA ;-)
This is why, when I actually look at the breadth of Atkinson’s comments and reviews, I find that you need to cherry-pick your examples in order to support your thesis, ignoring instances (as you are again downplaying his Perspectives review) that don’t support your view of him.
Anyway, been through this before. That’s my last comment on that, back to the Joseph Audio discussion.