Proac Tablette 10 Signature

Hi all,

I am new to the audiophile world. Just finally saved up about $5k and hope to get my first system.

I have this question.

1. I have decided on speaker that I want to buy. Proac Tablette 10 Signature. I heard many people say it should be driven by tube amp to maximize strength of a proac tablette. Is this true? If so, which brand of tube amp in the range of less than $1.5k (used one is ok)? I

2. If integrated amplifier is also ok to drive proac tablette 10 signautre, which do you recommend at about $1.5k budget?

3. Is there an integrated amp that also serve as the function of a network streaming system that plays Tidal ? If so, which is the good that that you can recommend that can drive Proac tablette?

Sorry for the newbie question. Hope to hear feedback...

At your budget I would go with an integrated. If you would consider used, maybe a Vincent Audio SV 236 or a Pathos Model One MK3. Both are hybrids with tube pre and SS amp, smooth sounding. 
I would either call or PM John Rutan (audioconnection),
He sells ProAc and when I visited, he ran them with Aesthetix's.
A very nice combo-And, this is coming from a Vandy guy.
As far as streaming goes, I would get a Bluesound Node with an Ayre Codex DAC and be done with it.
Any comments on the following amp to drive the Harbeth P3ESR? Any recommendation? Experience to share.

- Rogue Cronos Magnum II integrated amp
- Prima luna Prologue Premium integrated amp