My initial impressions are very positive. I'm hearing a much more complete sound than my Abbys could convey. I was not aware I was missing out on as much treble detail/extension as I was with my prior single driver, but the super tweeter is really great.
The mids are full and textured but I'm detecting a bit of hardness which I suspect will go away with break in, also I do find myself wanting a touch for more detail in this area.
The bass is obviously not optimal using floor mounts in carpet, but even still I can't really complain. It is fast and punchy.
This speaker does dynamics better than my Abbys which I felt were one of its strengths. Its an exciting presentation.
One surprise for me is that despite the significantly higher sensitivity (101 from 95) my noise floor is down. While my First Watt (which is working great in this system btw) is pretty silent in operation, my preamp is not usually as quite, but now I can't hear the low level of noise I could with my less efficient speakers.
Also, I seem to open the volume pot MORE now than before to get to similar levels. Not much more, but I worried going to this level of efficiency I wouldn't be able to fine tune volume levels as easily.
As far as looks go, the pictures on the site are pretty accurate, even at night under artificial light they look similar to the direct sun pictures. While they aren't as pretty as the Abby's, they are attractive in their own right, simple, clean and very well finished.
FWIW I have serial numbers 11 and 12, so I guess I have the sixth pair made.
Sigh... I guess its time to post the Abbys up for sale. Hate to do it, but based on my experience so far, Phil is probably right that I can move to these from my prior speakers without missing any aspect of the old sound.