looking for ideas on must have classical music

Hello classical devotees!

A friend had me rip quite a few of his CDs for his trip abroad. most were classical, and many were like 'best of' compilations. one or two were whole symphonies.

armed with these at least and no others I felt it time to wade into the classical waters and increase that genre in my library.

what then, are your fav, 3 or 4, go to, gotta have composers, movements, and or conductors out there on CD at least?

if also available in HD or otherwise, please point towards them as well, if you don't mind.

your input is sincerely appreciated and this input will initiate my list for current and future additions to the catalog, so again, thanks very much!!
Dvorak Symphonie no 9 is a big one. Bruno Walter has a heavy duty version.

For Opera I suggest not to miss La Boheme (Puccini) with Pavarotti/Freni. A very live recording with fantastic voices.

Look for version where the orchestra is recorded in the center and 
a far away. IMO gives the most natural experience.

Recordings of the same piece differs a lot so it may take some time to find your favourite. To have a library like Tidal's is super.
Best forum for this question to be answered. Their list.


Honestly, not to be insulting, but by comparison and with a few exceptions, people on Audiogon know nothing about classical music in real depth. I might add that people on that forum know about as much about equipment as people here know about classical music. It balances out. You could spend a lifetime there learning and will be truly enriched for it. Your friend's Best of recordings are like the Reader's Digest  but not a terrible place to start to learn what you like. Your tastes will broaden over decades of listening. Classical music vinyl played on a great system in a great room is something extraordinary. Truly like being there and, unlike almost everything else, the real thing is available as a reference in any great symphony orchestra's hall. 

My best recommendation. Start streaming chamber music and see what pleases you.

 Pick up a copy of Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre. I have one on the Phillips label. You'll recognize music that you may have heard but didn't know who the composer was. I've listened to this CD maybe 300 times or more. ALSO, check out the deals on the Mercury Living Presents boxed sets. They are the best value in music today. The soundtrack from Amadeus is excellent. (Anything recorded by St. Martin-in the-Fields is going to sound great!) Enjoy! and let me know how you like the Saint-Saens. Joe 

looks like I have my work cut out for me here! wow. THANKS!!

I'm speechless and grateful. deeply.

Scanning through the above, there's not enough:
  • Mendelssohn
  • Schumann
  • Schubert
  • Chamber music in general (I only saw the Brahms Clarinet Quintet, which is a good rec)
So, with that in mind, I suggest you get
  • Dvorak - "Dumky" Trio
  • Mendelssohn quartets and/or trios
  • Mendelssohn violin concerto
  • Schubert string quartets - Death and the Maiden of course, but all good
  • Haydn Lark Quartet
  • ANY Brahms or Beethoven chamber music.  Beethoven Middle Quartets and Archduke Trio, Brahms Sonatas for more accessible, Brahms op. 51, Beethoven Opus 130 for truly innovative. 
  • If you ever need a good cry, try the slow second movements of Brahms, Schubert, Dvorak.
  • Schumann piano - Kreisleriana, Carnaval, Kinderszenen
  • Schumann String Quartets
  • Hindemith's Viola Concerto "Der Schwanendreher" and Schoenberg's Verklarte Nacht are also beautiful. Neither is twelve-tone "serialist" but you are starting to get into not-for-beginners.