Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.

No, I meant what I said. Which wasn't that a 3db - 6db difference in channel balance doesn't matter to me, or you or many other people here but that there are plenty of folks in the non-audiophile music-focused crowd that either don't notice it or don't care enough to change what's causing it even if they drop two Large on a pair of speakers. Their comparative indifference to one quality that matters to us may not compromise their enjoyment of music from their hi-fi whatsoever.

As for flea-power SET amps, that's the whole point. 2 - 3 watts aren't convincing to me and I suppose not for you, but for someone who values specific attributes of a 45 or 2a3 SET amp enough to listen within the dynamic limits of a third clean watt on a 101db/w/m speaker, the midrange won't be congested. It just gets congested quickly if said listener pushes even a skosh beyond that. So someone like me doesn't have to recommend flea power to appreciate why some folks are satisfied by a narrow performance attribute. After all, Quad ESL57s don't have much dynamic range, nor power handling worth mentioning, plus they beam like lasers, yet they still have a fanatical following after more than 50 years.

I have no defense however to offer for the sound quality of Class-D, thus far in its evolution. Except that it gets some people out of earbuds and into speakers, which is a first step for bringing fresh blood into our interest. Does a cheap Tri-Path sound any worse than, say, a grating Dynaco SCA-80Q did circa 1970? No. It sounds better and it's vastly cheaper and more accessible too in real dollars. Give the kids and anyone else with thin finances a break. If we get them in in the tent, we have plenty of time to show them old school.

I can't say how the TT-25s would sound with the Zus, but I liked them with my former Abbys. I do remember reading a recent thread on audio asylum about them presenting a poor synergy with lowthers though.

$700 seems like a fine price. I have owned them twice over the years and I think I was able to re-sell for about $1000 after I had gotten my kicks for a while. The amp market is changing though.
I haven't heard the Tiny Triode monoblocks on Zu, but I would proceed with confidence. I have yet to hear an EL84 amp not sound musical powering the Zu FRD. Within its power limits, for example, the very modest Almarro A205 single-ended EL84 embarrasses many more expensive amps of various types on Druids, and therefore I'm sure on Soul too. And it's only 5 to 8w.

The Tiny Triode should prove both toneful and quite versatile on Superfly. You'll have around 20 honest watts in pseudo-triode mode with four EL84s running into 16 ohms from an 8 ohms tap, and perhaps 35w in normal tetrode mode, so at the flip of a switch you'll have the laid-back sound of triode mode with adequate power, and able to call up the more vivid and punchy tetrode sound when you want more oomph.

$700 seems to me a great price for those amps, which were limited production, no longer made, and quite scarce.

45 SET plays pretty loudly on my Def. 2's, no congestion at 'normal loud' levels. Can't play house parties.

My RWA 70.2s kick absolute tail on them, Class D ain't all the same. Their 50 watts or so into 6 ohms (which the Defs are) + active bass power from giant pro amps + bass EQ = girl with guitar all the way up to clean rave sound.