Phil: Despite my jibes at you and our disagreements, I really do appreciate the factual data you share about Souls. And yes, distinctions like wide vs widER dispersement is exactly area I am curious about in new FRD.
I also very much appreciate the knowledge you get from Zu folks, who I like very much.
I do not feel Druid is "beamy" in negative auditory sense, it just has very directional HF (thank Gods!) And my room isolation strategy is not driven by my preference for that sort of sound, it is just the strategy I need to take to get best sound for me given limitations of my room and my life.
I also very much appreciate the knowledge you get from Zu folks, who I like very much.
I do not feel Druid is "beamy" in negative auditory sense, it just has very directional HF (thank Gods!) And my room isolation strategy is not driven by my preference for that sort of sound, it is just the strategy I need to take to get best sound for me given limitations of my room and my life.