Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Thanks Gopher,

I'm always amazed how many people post about new kit and are critical of it, only to mention in passing that they're running something else in too. Nice to see some caution followed by detailed description.

Once I have my Superfly I'm going to burn them in and experiment with position. Then I intend to post extensively on the outcome. However, i'm hoping to be so otherwise occupied that I can't get out of my chair ;) I'll try my best though.

Anyone else get their Superflys yet? I'm surprised there has been next to no feedback from anyone else.

I spent a good deal of time listening over the holiday weekend and the more time I put on my pair the more I appreciate them.

The ONLY thing I want a touch more of is texture and image density with my F1, which I may try to achieve by means of a tube amp, but I don't want to upset the amazing PRaT I'm getting now.

Either way my listening is a lot more fun and less analytical these days and I could easily live with what I'm experiencing.

Check "Watt's New" at www.firstwatt.com: select F1J

Nelson Pass is upgrading the F1 to the new Jfets used in the J2: free for original owners (you pay only frieght + cost of shipping box), small charge for 2nd owners, etc.

Might be your answer for more texture and image density.

If interested, contact nelson@passlabs.com to get on the upgrade list; include the serial # of your F1.

(I'm going to try the Soul with either a F1J or the J2 later this year. If you upgrade the F1, I would appreciate your comments on the combo.)
The First Watt M2 may be a better match for Soul.

I've compared the F1, J2, and M2 on 98dB 6 ohm Audio Note speakers; the M2 is more tube like and has "drive" that the F1 lacks. Even at 10WPC, Soul is underpowered using F1.


Dealer disclaimer.

That looks very interesting to me and sounds like it may be precisely what I am looking for. The only problem is my Firstwatt was build from Mr. Pass' DIY plans by Mr. Rawson. I am not technically skilled to perform the upgrades myself, Mr. Rawson has retired and I doubt Mr. Pass would care to work on something he did not build himself...


I weigh your feedback very heavily as I realize you have quite a bit more exposure than most to Zu's speakers, but I am very surprised you feel the F1 lacks drive.

Though I have no basis for comparison, I feel as if the F1 really takes control of the driver. Based upon your experience with the F1 and Zu speakers, I am curious as to what you feel is missing.

To my ears the amp doesn't sound soft at all offering very strong bass performance and a clean uncongested mir-range. Its very dynamic and keeps great PRaT.

I'm very curious as to what more power would bring because to my, admittedly less experienced ears, this amp sounds darn powerful.

I'd love to try the higher end First Watt but its a bit out of my budget at the moment... Perhaps you have an outstanding lower cost recommendation? Phil made a compelling case for el34/el84 amps.