Best Computer Speakers

I spend a lot of time at my computer for business purposes. I've started researching economical but satisfying speakers for my desktop through which I can enjoy streaming music. I've got Amarra sQ and HiFi. I'm thinking perhaps a pair of good powered speakers might be a perfectly good way to go.

I have read a little about Audioengine A2+ speakers. They look quite promising and may be perfect for my needs. Strictly nearfield listening.

Your thoughts and suggestions are most welcome.

Thank you.
I have the Vanatoo speakers in my office. Surprisingly good for $500 and a built-in DAC. When I saw them at CAF I had to look behind them for the hidden sub woofer, there wasn't one.

Does anybody new what was happens with Serene Audio company that produced Talisman speaker.  
IMHO  Talisman speaker where a number of levels better then any Audioengine and other computer monitors.
They were a real Hi-End sounded computer monitors for affordable price.
The best would have to be the Genelec 8331 or 8341 IMO. Very close to a point source with deep bass extension for the small size and 3-way design.
I have these with my HP Desktop, they produce very detailed sound, I love then, 

Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 THX Certified Computer Speaker System (Black)